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Online bookings are available for all bodywork offerings.

Full menu and package offers listed at the bottom of this page, scroll down for more info.

Bodywork value packages purchasable online here
(then you can head back to this page to book your session(s))

If you’d like to enquire about postpartum care packages and/or in-home postpartum bodywork sessions, please reach out on hello@klyne.love.

Alstonville Bodywork Clinic

Centrally-located, cosy, private clinic space in Alstonville.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
10am - 3pm

Bodywork Menu

  • New client sessions are a two hour session, as a standard.

    This generally comprises of:
    - Time for a brief intake chat
    - An optional pelvic steam before we start bodywork (if you’re not bleeding and/or any other contraindications). I find this often helps clients start to relax and the tissues can be more responsive to the bodywork.
    - Approx 90min of bodywork; most often an integrative approach with techniques from Tul’ix Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy, depending on what your intentions are and what your body is asking for in that moment.

    A client intake and agreement form is sent to new clients prior to our session, to hopefully give us maximum time for the bodywork and prep us both ahead of time.

    In this session we may also discuss other supportive recommendations, referrals and make a treatment plan.

    New client sessions are $190.

  • ‘Integrative’ - combining two or more things to form an effective unit or system.

    Generally, I call my bodywork sessions “integrative” bodywork sessions as they are rarely solely Craniosacral Therapy or Tul’ix Therapy.

    I can absolutely do a session that is one or the other, or predominantly one or the other if that is what my client wants and/or what best suits their intention for our time together.

    I offer returning clients the option to choose from the following:

    1hr - $100
    1.5hr - $150
    2hr - $190

  • Holistic Pelvic Care™ sessions are available to returning clients.

    This work, being a modality that involves internal palpation and tissue release of the pelvic bowl (“floor”), it can be an intense and evocative experience. So, it’s important to me that we at least know each other and your body has had a chance to start to recognise and feel safe with me before entering into such a sacred space.

    Holistic Pelvic Care™ sessions are generally one hour in duration and are $160 and they are also available in a pack of three for $420.

    We can discuss how many sessions would be ideal in your particular case, but as a general guide we say that three sessions can be most effective in most cases.

    For more information about this modality, click here.

  • Cesarean Scar Tissue Remediation sessions are a focused offering that uses myofascial techniques to “release” the entire abdomen and cesarean scar tissue to allow full, whole breath and fluid flow.

    This work can be deeply emotional and requires tender, intuitive care. Each person is so unique, and the experience of a cesarean surgery can be one of so many (sometimes conflicting) feelings.

    A session will generally begin with a little chat/check in, move into a standing assessment of the scar tissue and abdomen, then onto the massage table for a breath assessment and from there we move into the bodywork itself.

    A session is 1.5hr as a standard for $150.

    Packs of three are available for this work, and I really encourage this if possible as the fascia and tissues can integrate changes most effectively when layered in this way.

  • My pregnancy bodywork sessions are a blend of a relaxing pregnancy massage, traditional Maya pregnancy massage and medicine techniques with the Tul’ix Therapy work, and the deeply cosmic beauty of Craniosacral Therapy.

    Each stage of pregnancy can bring its own challenges, physically and mentally, and there are techniques that are applicable for each chapter.

    Our focus is on relieving any discomfort and tension; uterine, pelvic and spinal alignment for optimal pregnancy and birth; witnessing any emotions and experiences that need some tender holding; and, ultimately, deep relaxation.

    As a standard, pregnancy bodywork sessions are 1.5hr for $150.

  • Purchase your package here.

    90min returning client sessions:

    3 pack: 3 x $150 (90min) = $450
    Pack price: $400 ($50 off)

    5 pack: 5 x $150 (90min) = $750
    Pack price: $650 ($100 off)

    10 pack: 10 x $150 (90min) = $1500
    Pack price: $1200 ($300 off)

    2hr returning client sessions:

    3 pack: 3 x $190 (2hr) = $570
    Pack price: $500 ($70 off)

    5 pack: 5 x $190 (2hr) = $950
    Pack price: $825 ($125 off)

    10 pack: 10 x $190 (2hr) = $1900
    Pack price: $1450 ($450 off)

    1hr Holistic Pelvic Care sessions

    3 pack: 3 x $160 (1hr) = $480
    Pack price: $420 ($60 off)

    90min Cesarean Scar Tissue Sessions:

    3 pack: 3 x $150 (90min) = $450
    Pack price: $400 ($50 off)